At DESSA, we ensure that our participants have ample opportunities to socialise instead of being stuck in a fixed daily routine.
Our Support Centre Based Activities and Groups promote socialisation while offering both assisted and independent capacity building activities. Participants are encouraged to undertake activities on their own within this space, and fully participate in facilitated workshops or a combination of both.
Group/Centre Activities also help participants develop critical skills like handling money, planning and organising activities, using computers, and resume building.
This helps the participants to gain a sense of independence and achievement. Offering various group activities is one such step in the direction of meeting their NDIS development goals.
All the activities are approved by certified professionals and participants’ carers and designed according to their suitability and needs as per their health condition. We offer support worker facilitated as well as self-directed activities.
Not a day goes by where your home doesn’t call for some attention. A key factor in maintaining happiness and general wellbeing is having a clean and well organised home, be that cleaning, laundry, cooking, yard or general maintenance, with NDIS household task services you’ll have the assistance you need to keep your home clean and in top shape! With assistance in household tasks, we can ensure that you can live a hygienic, comfortable life with full independence.
We offer assistance with domestic chores, including with cleaning, dishwashing, clothes washing, fresh linen and ironing, in order to maintain a safe, secure and healthy environment for our clients.
Support workers undertake tasks such as cleaning stove tops, wiping down inside fridges, vacuuming, mopping floors, dusting, dishwashing, changing bed linen, washing, drying and ironing.
Whether you need physical assistance for these tasks, or just supervision as you build on your own skills and independence, we will be there to empower you.
The steps in this framework are aimed at facilitating increasing independence and improving the life of individuals or their carers. The framework is divided into three stages: pre-aid, delivery and post-aid.
Our customized approach to participant support focuses on training and development activities undertaken by the participant or their carer to increase their ability to live as independently as possible. Training can be provided either individually or through group activities and include skills in daily life activities, communication and social skills, problem solving and managing funding of supports.
We will understand your goals and work with you and your family/carers to develop everyday skills with special focus on building confidence and independence.
We recognise and appreciate the level of complexity faced by people with a disability when tackling everyday tasks and activities. With support from our training, we can provide training and development across a range of life skills, including:
You may not have heard about the ‘Innovative Community Participation’ but it offers an array of supports for people who have a disability or long-term health condition. Our goal is to build a community where everyone feels supported no matter what they look like or what they have to deal with on a daily basis.
We want everyone who needs support to feel included and valued within our community; we want everyone who wants to get involved with us to feel empowered by their role within it; we want everyone who has an opportunity within our organization to take it!
Well-being is an important concept in our society. It is defined as the state of being fully healthy, happy and satisfied. When people are feeling well, they tend to be more productive in their jobs, have better relationships with family and friends, and even have a better chance at living longer.
We believe that we can help you achieve more by improving your well-being through the community participation programs that we run. Participating in community based activities will improve your well-being as you feel more connected to people and the community at large. The program will allow you to connect with others as well as learn about the community and how it works. This will also give you a better understanding on how we can benefit from your involvement within the community. Improved well-being affects different aspects of life including education, employment, health, and overall satisfaction.
Our Innovative Community Participation Program is designed to support NDIS participants build skills, display and actualise their hidden talents and actively participate in the community. It also develops independence and confidence around other members of the society. We can assist you in connecting with the community by supporting you and participating in the activities you enjoy while also learning new skills.
The daily tasks and shared living services that Assistance With Daily Tasks/Shared Living offers allow us to develop and enhance domestic skills that allow clients to live autonomously.
Many people with disabilities require assistance with daily tasks, such as dressing, bathing, cooking and cleaning. Those who do not have their own home may also consider our shared living services such as a unit or host family arrangement.
We understand that moving into a new home can be an anxious time. Your home may not be ready, you may have to make many changes at once, and you may feel overwhelmed with the amount of work that needs doing.
One-to-one assistance with a carer will provide you with support for self-care, accommodation and activities within a residency. This could include helping you to get around the house safely, or assisting with everyday tasks like getting dressed or eating meals.
We understand that you may have a lot of questions and concerns about living in a group home. No matter when or where you call, we will respond to your needs with the same level of compassion and empathy that we would show our own family members.
Additionally, we will work with your caseworker to ensure that your needs are being met as quickly and efficiently as possible. We understand that these services may come at a cost, but we believe it is worth it to give someone else an opportunity at independence that they might not have had otherwise.
Community health nurses are a vital part of the healthcare system, working with people and their families to help prevent disease, maintain health, and treat any existing health problems. They aim to support, maintain, and improve patient independence and safety as well as helping a patient’s carer.
Community Nursing Care is provided to participants who has complex individual support needs that are best met by someone who has medical training and experience, to meet the Participants complex health needs.
Community nurses work with people who are typically older or who have disabilities. They work in groups of two or three and have regular shifts that cover public holidays. The work involves visiting patients at home or in hospital, and they may also need to visit patients at other places such as schools or colleges. They will meet with patients regularly so that they can make sure they are eating well and taking their medication on time if possible.
There are many reasons why people want to make changes to their homes: for safety, for comfort or for adaptive living. But often the uncertainty of how to do this or whether they are allowed to make these changes stops them from progressing forward. There are different things to consider before taking steps when considering home modifications.
Home modifications are changes to the structure, layout or fittings of a participant’s home for safe access to all areas, and comfortable and easy movement.
Home modifications can be a big step for someone who is disabled or has mobility issues. Being able to move around freely in your own home is one of the most important aspects of having a happy and healthy life.
The steps below will give you an idea of what you should expect when considering home modifications:
Step 1: Get advice from your doctor or specialist about whether it’s safe for you to undertake any proposed home modifications. Your doctor may have other suggestions in place that could help with your specific needs as well!
Step 2: Think about what kind of modification would work best for you and your family; this could include improving access into the home, making it easier for you or others around you (e.g., family members) to get around inside or outside; installing ramps on stairs; installing grab bars at toilet seats; installing grab bars at kitchen sinks and counter tops; etc.
Step 3: Make sure all necessary permits are in place before starting any work on the house or property. This includes getting approval from city officials as well as building an inspection plan so everyone involved knows what needs to be done by when (and where).
Five of the most popular home modification items are handheld showers, grab rails, handrails, threshold ramps and level shower access.
Have you considered home modifications in your plan?
If you’re the type of person who likes to get where they’re going as fast as possible, you might think that getting around your community can be tough. But if you have a disability that makes it difficult for you to drive or use public transport, then this can be even more of a problem.
You might not know that there are programs where people with disabilities can get help getting around. And maybe that means nothing to you. Maybe you’ve never heard of them before or maybe they just don’t sound like something you’d need. But bear with us here: those programs exist for a reason—and it’s not just to help those who are “disabled.”
The truth is that even people who aren’t disabled still need help from time to time when it comes to getting from point A to point B in their lives. The good news is that there are programs available for people who want them. The bad news is that some people don’t know about these programs and need help finding them out about them too.
When it comes to clients with disabilities it can be particularly problematic to access transport. We can provide funding for such clients to access taxis, rideshares, community vehicles, or other appropriate transport methods.
Depending on the support level, a support worker can accompany the client with their travel needs through public transport or their own vehicle. Clients can also choose to develop skills in using public transport independently.
Assistance with travel/transport arrangements helps give clients the freedom to travel to a destination of their choice, whether it’s with personal travel aid and equipment, or training to use public transportation, or journey planning.
We can provide you with safe, convenient access to transport and scheduled in advance to help you get to your destination.
The assistance with personal activities support type is designed to help people with a disability or chronic condition manage their day-to-day tasks that they need to perform in order to live independently. Assistance with household tasks supports those who find simple chores challenging like washing dishes or maintaining the garden.
These include activities revolving around personal hygiene, or the supervision of personal daily tasks, which support a participant to live as independently as possible at home, and in the community.
Assisted living is an alternative to nursing homes and other long-term care facilities and can be provided through home health aides and direct care staff. These tasks may include dressing and/or grooming, dietary management, grooming of pets, household chores, personal hygiene and socialising and communicating with others.
Supported Independent Living (SIL) provides supported living arrangements for people who are long-term recipients of care and support services.
In the NDIS, daily living supports are split into two main categories: Core Supports and Capacity Building Supports. These support categories form an integrated approach to support a participant to have the same choice and control in their lives as a person without a disability.
Core Supports are activities that enable people with disabilities to live as independently as possible in their own homes and communities, for example: preparing meals, shopping for food, managing money and banking, paying bills, using public transport, etc.
Capacity Building Supports are those activities that help people with disabilities gain skills and knowledge that will help them participate better in society; for example: learning how to use computers or the internet; attending group activities; participating in sports programmes; participating in volunteering opportunities, etc.
Transitioning to a new stage of life is a complicated process, and it can feel like you’re alone.
We believe that everyone deserves the chance to be the best version of themselves. That’s why we offer specialized support to help our clients’ transition to school or post-school options (like further education, training or employment). We build our clients’ capacity for independent living and self-care, develop their social and communication skills, create specialist behavior management plans—and then help them travel independently to their place of education.
The program is designed to help participants strengthen their ability to coordinate and manage their supports, and to assist them in living at home and participating in their community.
You can choose to live in a community where you are surrounded by people who understand your needs and wants, and who are there to support you when you need it. Or, you can choose to live in a place where everyone is just doing their own thing and doesn’t really care about anyone else. We know that you have a choice to make.
And we get it. At DESSA we believe that every person deserves to be treated with respect and kindness, regardless of how or where they choose to live. That’s why we bring customized Accommodation solutions and Tenancy Assistance Services specifically tailored for the needs of people like you!
‘High intensity daily personal activities’ is the term used by the NDIS to describe the more complex supports some people need to manage their daily lives.
We understand that it can be challenging to get out of bed in the morning, or to come back home after a long day at work. Some disabled individuals we work with have complex needs which make living independently extremely difficult. Everyday tasks can present significant challenges for these individuals – from waking up in the morning to going to sleep at night – getting dressed and toileting, eating, showering, bathing, getting out of bed, walking, managing money and shopping.
Our goal is to help our clients reach their full potential by making sure they are as independent as possible in every aspect of their lives.
We’re here to help you live your best life. We understand that every individual is different, and that your needs are different from the next person’s. That’s why we take an approach that puts you at the center of everything we do. We want to know what makes you tick, how you want to live your life, and how we can help make it happen.
Our person-centred approach means we can work with disabled individuals with high-intensity needs to help them live their best life. This support includes everything from help with daily tasks like cooking and cleaning to access to community participation activities to enhance communication and social skills.
In a world where we’re all becoming more and more connected, we often forget how valuable it is to have someone there who can support us.
At DESSA, we believe in the importance of community, and we’d like to help you connect with your community. We know that sometimes it can be hard to find the right people or places to turn to when you need someone who’s experienced in the field of accommodation, but we want to make sure that all of our clients feel supported throughout their journey, no matter what obstacles they face.
The provision of support to guide, prompt or undertake activities to ensure the individual obtains/retains appropriate accommodation. The level of support provided depends on the person’s own skills and abilities. Support is provided and/or overseen by staff who have skills and experience in housing and tenancy support. Support may include assistance to apply for a rental tenancy/undertake tenancy obligations.
Our Accommodation and Tenancy service can include assessment, individual case planning, practical one on one assistance, liaising with service providers and capacity building assistance to support people to achieve their individual goals.
We understand that every individual has different needs and requirements when it comes to living arrangements. Our Accommodation solutions and Tenancy Assistance Services are designed for individuals who are looking for a safe, secure, smart and comfortable place to live.